Belong {Five Minute Friday}

I am so overwhelmed by the amazingly kind and encouraging comments you all left on my 6 year blogiversary post.  (If you haven’t entered the awesome celebration giveaway-there’s still time!) I am so thankful for each of you. What a joy it would be to meet you  face to face someday! But for now, I look forward to spending time with you here through words and glimpses into the grace in each other’s lives. Thank you for celebrating what God has done here…



Today, I’m joining in–for the first time—at Five Minute Friday over at Lisa-Jo Baker’s blog. The rules: Write for five minutes on the prompt given. No editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.

This week’s prompt (by guest host, Ann Voskamp):



I stepped foot on the Eastern shores of the United States at three years old with no understanding of the new language, no Cabbage Patch doll, no home, no friends, and no English name. I had no idea that I didn’t belong until I understood the universal language of mockery, embarrassment, and rejection. I so wanted to feel belonging, so I became a little expert in dressing like others, speaking like others, and having what others had. And, the funny thing about belonging–at 3 or at 33–is that you feel that you belong when others treat you…like family. But family doesn’t extend your membership based on how current your clothes are or how similar your tastes. Family hems you in because they’ve chosen to. They’ve committed to loving, committed to forgiving, committed to accepting, committed to belonging.

And there is no belonging, like belonging to Christ– to the Family where we are welcome and chosen. I may be tempted to look the part, speak convincingly, or possess what others might possess in faith, but that proves–again and again–to add nothing to my place of belonging at the table. I’m loved and welcomed because my Father is hospitable and generous with all that his Kingdom offers…in forgiveness, in acceptance. There’s no vying for belonging here…the Redeemed are nothing less…than family.



5-minute-fridayHave a lovely weekend, friends. May you remember once again the great riches that are yours in Christ this weekend…simply because he’s chosen to draw close and to make all that is his, yours. You belong to him; you belong.


11 thoughts on “Belong {Five Minute Friday}”

  1. So glad you joined in with #fiveminutefriday today! your words bless this morning. So thankful that we belong to the family of Christ! it’s such a delightful place to be!
    I hope you come back next week, too!


  2. Hey there! I just saw you link up over at Lisa Jo’s and wanted to be the first to welcome you! I don’t know if you remember me, but we met at Allume last year. I was the other Asian. 😉 And you were from Albuquerque!I love what you’ve written about belonging and I agree so much, belonging like family comes without condition. It’s a sort of adoption that happens based on nothing but a common parent.


    1. Of course I remember you! I was so blessed to meet you. 🙂 Thanks so much for popping by. I felt so challenged in writing for five minutes unhindered…thanks for welcoming me to FMF. I hope to join in more regularly!


  3. Hi Ruth! I’ve been reading your blog for a while but I’ve never commented – and now you’re on your first FMF and I’m on my second and how fun is that!?I was born here, but I totally went through the working hard to blend in thing to be accepted, honestly I never felt like I was. I still pick up any accent or laugh that I am talking/laughing with because of it.
    And you describe how family is just right. We just do belong, it’s not even an option or a choice, it just is. And with friends it can be that way too can’t it? And it’s profound taking that thought and applying it the family of God – that’ll be rattling around in my head tomorrow. Thank you 🙂
    And welcome!


  4. Yes, yes, yes!! ‘the Redeemed are nothing less…than family.’ – How true I have found this to be in my life. Every time we move towns it’s important to find a new church quickly, because almost instantly you have somewhere to belong. 🙂


  5. Wow! You have an amazing story… Have you ever written your family’s story on your blog? I’d love to read more. And, yes, it IS Christ we belong to. Good words.


  6. I came to the U.S. in 88 at the age of 9…couldn’t speak a lick of English and definitely looked like I was “foreign.” My clothes didn’t match theirs, my speech was a work in progress, my lack of knowledge in what was cool and wasn’t was obvious! I felt the pain of rejection too and worked hard to fit in…if only I knew what my worth was then, could I have avoided the many mistakes I’ve made trying to fit in? I don’t know, but I do know that it helped shaped me in to the person I am today. It also allowed me to see how God’s hand was always there….guiding me, pulling me along. I am thankful for those times of sadness and loneliness, because that is where I found Him 🙂 Now, I know exactly where I belong! I love your posts Ruth, thanks for the opportunity to share. 🙂


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